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To widen the walkway to make the experience even more enchanting and spectacular, managing to reach the large waterfall that can only be seen from far. All in great safety using materials such as COR-TEN steel that integrates perfectly into the natural context and are maintenance-free.
- Sterope3 in COR-TEN
- COR-TEN grating
- COR-TEN stair treads
- about 350sqm of COR-TEN steel STEROPE 3 railing h. 1458 mm
- about 400sqm of COR-TEN steel grating 15x76 mm 30x2 mm
- n. 50 COR-TEN steel stair treads
A suggestive grating walkway to visit a natural waterfall, the Pioverna stream formed 15,000 years ago. Over the millennia the water has carved a deep gorge and shaped the imposing rocks of the mountain, creating a gloomy and suggestive environment. The dark roar of the tumultuous waters and the wild beauty of nature have always inspired mysterious tales and legends and even today these places are shrouded in an aura of mystery.