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Nuova Defim Orsogril at Perimeter Protection
Let's come and see us in Nuremberg from 17 to 19 January at Perimeter Protection , the international trade fair for integrated security technology...
Nuova Defim | Christmas closure
Our offices will be closed from the 24th of December to the 8th of January included . " If we help each other, miracles will happen and Christmas day...
Let's meet at Enovitis in campo 2022
PAN, Nuova Defim Orsogril COR-TEN steel wire for vineyard, will be shown on June the 23rd and 24th at Enovitis in Campo 2022 fair The event is in...
Save the Date WIRE 2022 Nuova Defim and Feralpi Group
For the first time ever, the Feralpi Group will participate in the Wire and Tube Exhibition in Düsseldorf scheduled from the 20th to the 24th of June...
Nuova Defim Orsogril at Externa 2022
Externa 2022 has been a 5 days (21-25 April) exhibition dedicated to furnishing and outdoor spaces with a good public attendance but above all it was...
Nuova Defim takes over Saexpa
Internationalisation, verticalization, and production and business enhancement. These are the main key reasons that led Nuova Defim , a Feralpi Group...
Happy Easter 2022
Happy Easter to all of you from Nuova Defim Orsogril
Closing for Christmas holidays 2021-2022
Our offices will be closed from December the 24th to January the 6th included. "It doesn't matter what you find under the Christmas Tree but who you...
Save the date Paysalia 2021
Let's come and see us at the Eurexpo in Lyon , from 30 Novembre to 2 Decembre , on the Paysalia 2021 main trade fair that brings together all the...
Feralpi and Nuova Defim at Made in Steel 2021: the desire to meet back again
Three days to meet back again, see each other in the eyes and reconnect with personal relationships Made in Steel 2021 , was an opportunity to share...
Summer closure 2021
We will be closed for 2021 Summer Holidays from August 9 to 20 included . Our commercial offices will be open starting from the 23rd of August. Enjoy...
Nuova Defim Orsogril speaks German! As of today, the website in German language
To be increasingly closer to our customers, Nuova Defim Orsogril website is finally available also in German language! Discover our German website's...


Exhibitions and Events
Exhibitions and Events
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Project Tour
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Incontriamoci ad una tappa del Project Tour 2016. Cerca la città a te più vicina per scoprire come riqualificare con l'acciaio grazie al design, alla praticità ed alla manutenzione ridotta tipica...
Project Tour